Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Brain Building Play

Get on the fast track to boosting your toddler’s brain

development through play. Play is an integral part of

childhood for good reason - it is your toddler’s “work”. Through

play, toddlers learn about themselves and their world. Swiss

developmental psychologist, Jean Piaget described toddler’s

play as their work. Through play, he noted that children learn

about and interact with their environment.

 In order to be successful in ensuring that you are building

your toddler’s brain through play, allow the toddler to be the

learner. When on the floor, engage with the toddler, and be

patient. Dr. Jane M. Healy suggests the following guidelines:

Make sure the child is actively interested and involved.

Repetition, repetition, repetition!

Give positive encouragement.

Encourage attempts at new challenges.

Keep playpen times and other restraints to a minimum.

Provide low open shelves with a variety of accessible

toys, objects, and books.

Provide interesting, bright colored visuals.

 As the toddler matures, her play becomes more

sophisticated, requiring more complex thinking patterns. So

when you see you toddler hard at play, understand that she is

building her brain!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bedtime Battles

Bedtime need not be battle time for toddlers and their parents. By following some of the following tips, you may be able to establish a peaceful bedtime routine.

Give your child a warning about half an hour before time to put away the toys and start getting ready for bed. Bedtime will not catch them by surprise.
Avoid rough and tumble play just before bedtime. This tends to stir your toddler up so that she is not ready to relax and sleep.

Determine a calming routine that will work for you and your toddler. It may include brushing teeth, washing face and hands, putting on jammies, and reading a story in bed. Be consistent so that your toddler knows what to expect.

If your toddler is afraid of the dark, leave on a night light.
Should your toddler call to you repeatedly (for water or to go to the bathroom), remind her that it is time to go to sleep and you will see her in the morning. Should she get out of bed, calmly put her back to bed and tell her that she needs to stay there. You may need to repeat these procedures several times before she realizes that you mean what you say.

-Kids R Kids International